Maximum allowable charge for disclosures Fee 2024 Increase under FCRA

For millions of Americans, credit scores play a crucial role in their financial lives, impacting everything from loan approvals to rental agreements. Accessing your credit report, the document compiling your financial history, is a crucial tool for understanding your score and ensuring its accuracy.

In 2024, however, accessing this information comes with a slightly steeper price tag, as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has increased the maximum allowable charge for disclosures under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Navigating the Maze of Credit Reports and Credit Scores:

Your credit report is a detailed record of your borrowing history, compiled by consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) like Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. This report typically includes personal information, credit account details, payment history, and public records related to bankruptcy or foreclosures.

Based on the information in your report, credit scoring models generate a three-digit credit score, a metric used by lenders and other entities to assess your creditworthiness.

The FCRA, a federal law, grants you the right to obtain a free copy of your credit report from each of the three major CRAs once every 12 months. You can access these reports through, a centralized portal authorized by the FCRA.

However, beyond this free annual report, the FCRA allows CRAs to charge a “reasonable” fee for additional disclosures you might request. This is where the recent increase in the maximum allowable charge comes into play.

Decoding the Dollar Figures:

In 2024, the maximum allowable charge for FCRA section 609 disclosures, which encompass credit reports and associated information, has risen from $14.50 to $15.50. This represents a 6.9% increase, marking the third consecutive year of fee adjustments. While seemingly insignificant, this change raises several questions:

1. Why the Increase?

The CFPB justifies the annual fee adjustments by factoring in several cost-related factors, including inflation, maintenance of CRA infrastructure, and security enhancements. In simpler terms, the CRAs claim that rising operational costs necessitate higher charges to remain viable and maintain accurate records.

2. Who Feels the Impact?

While free annual reports are readily available, those in need of more frequent access to their credit reports, often individuals actively managing their credit or experiencing financial hardship, will bear the brunt of the increased fee. This raises concerns about potential barriers to credit information access for those who need it most.

3. Is There Room for Change?

Critics argue that the fee increases primarily benefit the CRAs, generating additional revenue at the expense of consumer access. They advocate for alternative funding mechanisms, such as shifting the onus to lenders who utilize credit reports or establishing a public credit reporting system.

Beyond the Numbers: Potential Consequences of the Increased Fee:

The ramifications of the FCRA fee hike may extend beyond immediate financial burdens. Here are some potential consequences to consider:

  • Discouragement from seeking credit report corrections: Individuals facing errors or outdated information in their reports may be deterred from seeking corrections due to the additional cost. This could perpetuate inaccurate credit scores and hinder access to fair financial opportunities.

  • Exacerbating financial disparities: For low-income or financially stressed individuals, the increased fee becomes another barrier to managing their credit and improving their financial situation. This could further widen the gap between financially secure and vulnerable populations.

  • Increased reliance on alternative credit scoring methods: As traditional credit reports become less accessible, alternative lending models based on unconventional data points like utility payments or mobile phone usage may gain traction. These models, while potentially offering credit access to the underserved, raise concerns about privacy and potential for discriminatory practices.
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