Will Coronavirus (Covid-19) Impacts Delay my 2019-2020 Tax Refund Due to IRS Processing Slowdowns

2020 Coronavirus Tax Refund Delays

(This is a live article that is updated regularly) As the Coronavirus impact widens we are already seeing major hits to the real economy that will take the US into a recession in 2020 and into 2021. While stock markets are falling rapidly (don’t panic and sell!) people should start expecting governments to focus on battling this deadly virus. In fact Congress and the Administration have already passed a massive stimulus package, unemployment insurance extensions/boosts and additional stimulus payments. However because of these new Coronavirus relief programs and enforced staffing constraints it is also likely major government agencies, like the IRS, will shift focus and resources to execute on these programs to battle the fallout from the spread of the virus.

In fact the IRS recently announced it has stopped processing paper tax returns, with much of its staff now working remotely because of the Coronavirus pandemic. The IRS has recommended that taxpayers file their taxes electronically during the three-month extension (to July 15th, 2020) period for this year’s tax season. Congress is also discussing a further postponement of the tax deadline into October!

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Further in compliance with federal mandates IRS live assistance on telephones and responding to correspondence were essentially suspended until further notice. All of the IRS’s in-person Taxpayer Assistance centers have also been temporarily closed along with many volunteer tax preparation sites until further notice. The IRS has said however they will prioritze and keep paying out the stimulus check payments to the 100 million or so Americans eligible for them.

The above IRS closures will most certainly mean slower processing times for tax refunds, especially those with more complicated tax filing situations or where they experienced delays in prior years. While this was not officially stated on the IRS site, I cannot imagine that the IRS will get things done on time. The hundreds of comments on this article and related ones confirm this.

The IRS has announced, under the national emergency provision, that they will postpone the April 15 tax-payment deadline for millions of individuals, giving Americans an additional 90 days to pay their 2019 income-tax bills in an unprecedented move intended to ease the economic pain inflicted by the Coronavirus. The delay is available to people who owe $1 million or less. This push may also affect 2019 tax refund payments. The latest data from the IRS shows almost 60 million tax returns have been filed with refunds averaging $3,064. A Treasury Department spokesperson has said that there are currently no delays at this point, but is a fluid situation. Note – the IRS has temporarily closed all Taxpayer Assistance Centers and discontinued face-to-face service throughout the country until further notice. The IRS is continuing to process tax returns, issue refunds and help taxpayers to the greatest extent

Source : IRS

Leave a comment with your thoughts on this topic if you are seeing delays in getting your refund.

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363 thoughts on “Will Coronavirus (Covid-19) Impacts Delay my 2019-2020 Tax Refund Due to IRS Processing Slowdowns”

  1. I filed on 3/24/2020 through TurboTax. I haven’t heard anything from the IRS. They just show it is processing. I filed a single,, 1040 form with refund.
    I also can’t get my stimulus check because my taxes are processing. How long are we supposed to wait? I have bills, like y’all do.

      • Wow! That is the ONLY thing that could be holding mine up. I wonder why some people got theirs and others are being held? It makes me crazy that there is no one you can call to ask.
        Thank you for responding

  2. I have file injured spouse for the last 7years and usually have to wait about 8weeks to get our refund. I recieved a notice from the IRS our stimulus check was deposited on April 15th our bank had no deposit nor an attempt to deposit. The treasury offset department said they took half and we were supposed to get the other half. But have not recieved anything. Our regular taxes still are being processed and they were filed the last part of February. I pray someone looks into all of this soon for everyone because we all all depending on the stimulus checks and our taxes.

    • I have a similar situation. This is my first yr filing injured spouse so I’m not sure how long it should take to receive the refund. Today makes 11 wks with no payment and my refund is still processing. However, my husband and I both received letters from TOP about our stimulus payment. Both letters stated that child support was taking $1950 from him and $1950 from me, which was the full anticipated amount divided between the two of us – $3900. I had to call because I know since I filed injured spouse they should only take his portion – not mine or our kids. CS told me that once the IRS sends them the payment, CS would then mail me a check for the difference. Idk what your offset was from but i hope this helps.

    • I’m in the same boat. Get my Payment stated my DD Stimulus Payment was going in on April 15th. Wife’s Child Support for $1,200 taken and attaching my name to the letter some nerve. I supported her two kids so go after the Ex-Husband. So much with the broken promises from Mnuchin that no hassles for Child Support, Student Loans or anything else.I haven’t received a dime and filed Mid February So much for paying my taxes overpaid and early having Direct Deposit. Slower than 2 Turtles around the Race Track

  3. IRS was suppose have settled my injured spouse claim by April 11th, 2020. I have not received any information on this process and I have no way to contact them to inquire about it.

  4. I am in the same boat as most of you and it sucks!! I hope all of you stay well and we get our money soon. I filed on 2-5-20 and i have the child credits so mine was not accepted until 2-15-20. I called the IRS on 3-4-20 and they told me it would be another 45 days. Then on 3-23-20 I received a CP05 letter stating that they needed another 60 days. Like everyone else here I need my refund!!

  5. I filed mine either the last Sunday in January or the 1st sunday in February with an injured spouse claim. It’s been 14 weeks. Than, on top of that, Jackson Hewitt and Republic Bank, Amex serve card bank, didn’t enter in my direct deposit information, or are trying to get their fees from the stimulus before the tax return comes, on my 2019 tax return so I had to go onto the website to update it so my stimulus could come so now that it delayed also. I definitely need that money! This shit of having to depend on the government to live, really pisses me off!

  6. I e-filed to 30th of January. I filed injured spouse. I was approved to get mine. And I’ve not seen anything yet. So will I have to wait.

  7. We filed 2/2019 and have not received our refund yet, nor have we received our stimulus compensation. Our fear is that our filing has been frozen and that the IRS is going to go by our 2018 tax return. If they do that, we won’t get the stimulus as we would’ve made too much. Feeling very frustrated as there is NOONE to talk to at the IRS about this! Anyone else having this problem?

    • My wife and I are almost at the same boat except our 2018 taxes was that we had to pay and we were at a different address. So idk how to even notify for the stimulus check?!?!
      Also, this year is different and we are expecting a return but nothing! we filed 2/28. I do not know what to do??

    • I e-filed my tax return on 3/7 and after 14-21 of not receiving my refund, I received a letter from the IRS stating that they need 60 days to review my return and no steps are required at this time. I still check the WMR website and its still saying still processing and its been 5 weeks tomorrow since its been under review. I entered my DD when I filed, and recieved my stimulus check beforemy return. How absurb is this? Wouldnt it make more sense to release our money as well so that we could make it through this pandemic.

  8. I filed 04/07 and it’s now 04/21. Usually my refund gets approved much quicker than this, I feel this is the longest I’ve waited. We need this for rent!

    • My refund was approved on 3/21 and expected refund date was 4/11 and still don’t have it or any idea of when I will. It continues to say “still processing.” And I can’t get qualified for the stimulus check until they process my refund so it’s extremely frustrating. It would be nice to be able to talk to someone at the IRS to find out what is going on.

        • Exactly same situation with me to! Sooooo frustrating not being able to get the answers we need!

  9. I e-filed my taxes through turbo tax in the beginning of February. Received my federal and stimulus. Got audited on my state. Sent the info in that they asked for. Since march 17th still says that my information hasn’t processed for review due to high volume of cases. This pandemic is really messing with a lot of things for a lot of people.

  10. I filed January 31st and when the ORS was still open they said they received it on February 4th because I had to file an injured spouse form they said it would take up to 11 weeks from the February 4th. Today is 11 weeks. Nothing. Can’t call to talk to anyone so how do I know of I will be getting my refund soon or not??

  11. I’m a tax preparer hoping this helps answer someone’s questions . The irs they are still processing tax returns I transmitted some april 6th they gave a refund date april 24th they are slower then usual on most . They are now also are are processing the ones that can’t verify their identify .. The letters #4464C do nothing wait 60 days blah blah in many cases the reason for this letter is your employers has not turned in their copy the w2 or they are missing forms that go akine with the w2 or for example I have five or so clients who all work for the same place all receive the letter4464C . They have new owners of the business who said last week they had a issue with their efin and updated the information to correct the issue.This means that means the new owner’s had to apply and get new new efins numbers ( this is the company ID numbers on the w2) this number could not be processed with the irs yet therefore the irs will hold the return until the employer fixes or they complete processing the efin number . They will compare the copy from the employer w2 copy to what’s on your tax return . Being some people attempt to fraud by change the amounts on the w2 such as federal withholds to claim a larger refund the irs now wants to compare the tax return to the w2 sent in by their employer
    . I see many that say they dont know if they will get a stimulus check . Go to irs.gov click on get my economy stimlus payment get payment enter social number dob address hit summit. You may have to enter the address different then on the tax return go to usps address look up enter your address to see how it should be enter . Many with the income 0- 10k have the april 24rh date the next paper mail schedule is may1st.Btw only use the site once daily it locks up for 24 hours once you have checked it more then three times daily. Plus your not going to get any new information by checking more then one. Good luck to you all.

    • What about a cp63 letter dated 2/24? I had to send in my 1040 from 2016 and the IRS received it in early March, but because of the pandemic, shouldn’t they just process my 2019 regardless of needing my 2016? I don’t owe 2016 and my 2019 is e-filed with DD. Thank you for the info!! Much appreciated.

    • Thank you for this . I’ve been so worried but I see there are a lot of other people who has not received theirs…. the bad thing about it , it just says processing still when I check . I did have to send the healthcare form but they received that on March 9th

    • Thanks for this … I haven’t received anything from the IRS not a notice or reason why it still says processing and its been 2 months .. You gave me some kind of hope with this comment

    • I got a copy of my transcript.. I filed on Feb 24th 2020 but my transcript says it was received on 3/30/20 . Then its says i have a 971 notice issued 4/6/20. i have not gotten anything from them .. Can anyone help? I have a couple more questions about whats on my transcript can anyone help to ease my mind i am going crazy over here like many others…

      • My transcript says the exact same thing! Dates and all! I would love to know why so many others that filed around the same time have gotten refunds and stimulus checks!

  12. We e-filed our 2019 taxes electronically in middle of (closer to first part of March)March 2020 and we have already received our refund electronically the first part of April (this month) and received our stimulus check electronically last week around the 15th. I’m guessing that both our refund & stimulus was done early because I am on Social Security Disability (been on social security disability for many years) and we have a child under 17 yrs old. Just a guess though. Or maybe we were just one of the lucky ones? Or Maybe timing is everything too? Different story for our adult son (single & no kids) who e-filed his taxes in later part of March 2020 (last month) to be deposited electronically and his refund still says being processed (he also received his 2018 refund electronically same bank) and he still has Not received his stimulus check either, but he did receive his state refund electronically already. I think the Government is grouping people together. For example our adult son is single & has No kids, and we are married with a child still at home and one of us is disabled. Just another guess, but it does seem like that’s what the Gov. is doing is grouping people into different groups depending on their status.

    • I’m not so sure. I filed my taxes end of March filing as married but separate returns and I claimed our 4 year old. We do this because the government takes all my husbands taxes for his student loans. My husband filed his second week of April and has received his taxes and stimulus check. They didn’t take it this year because collections are on hold due to Covid 19. When I check on my taxes it says it’s still processing. As for my stimulus payment I’m receiving an error message. Really incredibly frustrating. I’m 6 weeks from having a baby and we really need this money.

  13. I filed 2/20 and it was accepted 2/20, I received a letter on 2/19/20 stating they’re reviewing my taxes and it will be up to 60 days from the date of the letter. It is now 61 days and I should know something. The status has been saying the same thing for 60 days: still processing and date will be updated when available, this is unacceptable!!! Got my stimulus but no word regarding my 2019 tax return. When you say an additional 60 days, you should have a response to let us know what is going on with the return before the 60th day.

  14. We’ve been waiting for our federal tax return for 9 weeks now. If they can issue paper stimulus checks on Friday then they should release my taxes. They’ve been processing it for 4 weeks now.

  15. I filed my tax return end of February, never got it, also never got my stimulus check! I had to mail it in but I put my direct deposit information on it! They need to have people finishing the tax returns and other people doing the stimulus checks!

  16. e-filed 1/27 using TurboTax with DD
    IRS accepted on 01/27 w/ both credits. Received notice to send my 2016 tax file on 3/3 and overnighted the next day 3/5.
    WMR shows still processing.
    Transcript codes 570 & 971 dated 2/24.
    “as of” date just changed to May 4.
    Cycle 20200605.
    No refund, no stimulus, no unemployment, no job, no business, no loans, no relief, nothing.

  17. This has gotten out of control!! I am in the same situation as many others. I filed my taxes on Feb 24th Never got an acceptance notification, and never got anything in the mail… It just says it is still processing and i will be given a date when available. The tax place i went through cant tell me anything because their system says the same thing. Hell im not even in a rush to receive my taxes i just want an answer a around about date that can tell me something anything … And i cant talk to anyone as you all know the irs is not taking live calls which is stupid all in itself , they can easily have their office phones transferred to other phones for the moment . I just do not get it , Past years 3 weeks at the most it took for me to get my taxes …

  18. We filed our injured spouse claim on January 23rd and still have not received our return. We filed electronically and the return was accepted that day. We received our stimulus to the same account but the irs website says our return is still being processed. We really need this and file the same way every year with no issues. We are over the 11 week maximum. Any suggestions on how to get this resolved? We can’t get in touch with anyone at the irs and I am laid off due to Covid 19.

    • We are in the same boat. It’s like we were forgotten about. We filed on 1/28. Accepted the same day. I had called before the pandemic started and they told me our date was 4/15 for deposit. And nothing. There are to many people with this situation. They give us no update or follow thru. I’m going to start to try to contact them on every social media platform I can find them on.
      I have saw others suggest going to the news about it?

    • I filed injured spouse January 27th and was accepted same day. The website said feb 16th it was finally processing and been saying we have received your tax return and it’s still processing. I have yet to even receive a stimulus.

      • Same exact dates for me as well and I filed injured spouse and my stimulus says April 30th deposited but my husbands says check mailed may 4th. When I called offset line it says they are taking $1700 for child support but nothing it says on my end when I called so where is the other $1700 I am supposed to get going to go? Many people I have talked to have said they didn’t even get their portion either and why is it cut in half anyways? I have myself and my 2 kids so should be $2200?

        • When I called CS they told me the IRS sends them the full amount. From there, CS takes husband’s portion ($1200) for back child support and mails injured spouse a check for the difference.

  19. I filed 3/15/2020 got my state in 5 days then got an ID verify letter in the mail and I can’t verify my identity because the irs isn’t taking calls and I can’t do it online because in or to create an account I the irs site you need a credit card or mortgage information which don’t have not use so I’m basically screwed smh

  20. I got my stimulus check I didn’t think I was gettin got bc I got a letter stating my refund is under review til this day it’s been 60 days and nothing I have no change in the status but I’m calling the IRS they are not gonna make me wait another 60 days bc of their bs here I am no job bc of the pandemic yet they want to give us a check as an advance loan for next years return we’ll if u gonna give me an advance give me my 2019 refund first !!!

  21. I did my taxes this year on mid February, got my state return in less then 2 weeks , I still haven’t got my Federal return , it says it’s still being processed and it’s mid April already and I when I try to check for my Stimulus check , they don’t know my if I am eligible for one smh

  22. Well my husband filed his 2018 taxes and the IRS held them for a whole 8months once we realised it wasn’t sent to the child support department we had to call the IRS and ask them why it hasn’t been processed? They told my husband they wanted him to identify who he was in case of identity theft. He went February 13th 2020 to prove he was the one who filed his own taxes. The IRS said give us about 4-6 weeks to get the issue taken care of and expect our refund within that time frame well it’s been 8 weeks and no way to check on our taxes and it hasn’t been sent to the child support department either. Now our 2019 taxes were filed February 18th and for the first 2weeks it said excepted on the IRS website then now for the last 3weeks it just says your refund is being processed please check back for a date at a different time. And now for where my payment it shows no information at all for where’s my payment for us to get a stimulus check. If the IRS would have filed last years taxes and this years taxes and do there job we would have received the stimulus for uncle my 2kids and me plus my husband who claimed 4 people not including his self to which we probably won’t ever see a dime of any of that money ! And why cause the IRS can’t pay there employees to work from home and answer those tax papers for who’s money they decide they want to keep until they feel like getting it done. It could be going on a 3rd year before we see any of our Taxes and that’s if they reopen for us to tell them about it and if they don’t reopen by next years taxes then I guess we the people are giving them permission to straight rob us and steal our hard earned money plus my children money. If people want to sue or take this to the news then I’m Down. Let’s do this.

    • For 2020 I am single and will change my withholding to 3 or more. Have not received my federal tax refund for almost 10 weeks now and if never received I will be filing a 2019 tax year credit to be applied to my 2020 form next year. That way the IRS will be at my mercy and forced to apply my 2019 refund credited towards my 2020 tax liabilities.

      • That is such a great idea! I’ve been waiting for 2 months now, and didn’t get the stimulus either because my return is being “processed “

    • I filed mine on Feburary 4, 2020 and my has said the same thing that it’s still being processed. It’s now 10 weeks later and there’s nobody to call at the IRS to find out what’s going on and my refund a stimulus is sitting in limbo and I can’t pay my rent or most of my other monthly bills!!!


  24. I am in the same boat as alot of people here. I first want to wish everyone here well and hope your in good health. I filed my taxes at the beginning of February along with filing injured spouse and its just a whole waiting game. I have to file injured spouse due to my wifes child support so im able to get my portion of the refund. But!!!! Her stimilus check was taken and mine has been held due to this fact. Its just so much waiting in processing time its crazy. I was laid off last week as well because of this pandemic. If the Government wanted to really help they should take care of their tax payers. They should speed these processing times up. No reason i should have to wait 3 months for injured spouse to be verified to get my refund from taxes i over paid for one and my stimilus check to paid to me for two. I am in need of this income badly at this point. Im not asking for any handouts but do want what is mine that ive worked for and paid taxes for. I am hoping it doesnt take long for my unemployment claim to be approved. Ill end it there. I hope everyone reading this stays in good health and just that we all do our part to help get past this rough time in the world. Prayers out to you all!!! This too shall pass!!!

    • I too am in the exact situation (refund still processing from 2/20/2020. I filed injured spouse and have been for the pass 3 years. My husband is disabled and has not worked for the longest. I am the sole wage earner every single year. Why can’t they pay attention to those details so that processing of these type claims can be expedited because the situation has not changed for a particular time span. It is a difficult time for all of us, but our government should be able to respond during a time of crisis a whole lot better than they are at this late point in the game. Folks, we are in trouble. Are they going to continue to play the blame game and leave the majority of us hardworking Americans pending forever. Come on, somebody up there ought to know something about what to do under pressure. They should have had a plan of action in place already on how to respond in case of an emergency. Thanks for your ear. Maybe somebody will figure it out soon. Hope all of you reading this comment are healthy and able to sustain during this very serious time in our lives. May God bless and keep you.

  25. I filed January 29, still no refund. I am on a 60 day review. I also have the child credit. Yet, I am not able to talk to someone about my taxes. I am getting close to my 60 days. This is causing a problem for me and my family. The system is not updating online.

    • Same thing with us Filed on March 2, got a review letter. When I log into “Where’s my refund?” it says it’s still being processed and they’ll let me know .

  26. We need to take this to the media bc there is too many of us all in the same boat! And most of us got the 60 day review letter before COVID 19 broke out. Something doesn’t seem right. We the people are the ones in power to make things happen if we united together. We need to make some noise about this!!!

  27. I filed my taxes Jan. 9th. Pick them up from my job early. I got a letter about the 60 day review. The letter was dated Feb. 19. But ironically I called that same day earlier before I checked my P O box. They guy informed me that they haven’t received anything from my job yet (which I have been working at the same place for 3 years) and it looked as though I was over reporting. 4-20 my review time will be up. 2 days from now and nothing. I haven’t received federal or state. And you can’t call them. I don’t understand this. They should have been gotten the information from my job and given me something by now. I understand the covid 19 situation but I have received NOTHING. AND I HAVE BILLS. Just like a lot of you guys. This is really sad.

  28. I filed my 2019 taxes using a tax preparer on 2/1/20. I received my state refund on 3/15/20. I received my stimulus on 4/15/20. But have not received my federal refund. I tried checking my status on IRS but it’s saying that I have entered something wrong and can not find me. I tried calling the tax preparers office but they are telling me the IRS is closed and there is not much they can do.closed. I need my federal refund I am already late on my bills! What can I do???? Suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

  29. I filed my taxes January 22 and I haven’t heard or gotten anything from the IRS they were accepted but it says they are still being processed I’ve been homeless for about 2 months now I haven’t received a stimulus check either and I have direct deposit this has been one of the roughest things I’ve been through is there anyone that can help me with finding out something please

  30. There needs to be a number for us to call and find out why we haven’t received our tax returns? I E-filed on March 2nd and was told 21 days or less, well here I am 7 weeks later… I got my state back and I even got my stimulus check so why in the hell havent gotten my tax refund??? The app just says “still processing”…. something needs to give here.. like what’s really going on? We need to be able to speak with reps. If McDonalds, dollar stores, auto ones etc, are open then why in hell isnt there a division for the irs for ppl to speak to. It’s causing more panic and that’s not good!!

  31. Filed Feb 4th, lawyer did not filed until end of February/early March. Married in 2019 this year we filed as Married filing together, I had filed previous years with ITIN since didn’t have a SSN, this year I am a permanent resident and I have a valid SSN. State refund was direct deposit in my account on March 19th, I received letter 5071C from IRS on March 27th, asking to Idverify my identity since it was first time with a SSN not an ITIN. Called the 800 number but IRS had already stopped help over the phone. Since the other way to Idverify is doing it online but I don’t have any credit with the ITIN. My Federal return is on hold and no stimulus check. Does anyone knows, when is the IRS opening back ip their Idverify offices in Austin, TX?

  32. I am self employed, I didnt file taxes in 2018, i did not work. I filed for 2019 online, using HRB software, and was accepted by IRS on March 27th. Its been 3 weeks..its still being processed..I have 8 yr old son who receives a survivors benefit( SSA), and ive reveived nothing so far. Nothing from Social Security, not one letter or email. I am poor, fr. Made under 14,000 in 2019. I cant use non filers app, cuz my taxes still processing. What the hell can i do??

  33. See now I’m worried!! I filed on February 4th, received the 1250$ refund advance and then 8 days later my bars dissapeared. Got no info or notices until march 16th saying I was under a 60 day review to verify my income!! Now still no stimulus check or even my income taxes! What do the people in my situation do just deal with it and die? All I know is when it’s all said and done I will never use Jackson hewitt ever again!

  34. I filed my taxes in January and still I have yet to receive my refund. Then at the end of February they sent me a letter saying my taxes was one of the ones selected for an audit and I should expect my refund within 90 days. That’s a bunch of BS and they know it. Now since this COVID-19 my refund should be available immediately but its not. They are also holding my stimulus payment when the president should tell the IRS to release all those who are due a refund be released to them immediately. I have no job, no money, and I don’t know what I’m going to do. This is wrong what the IRS is doing to people especially during these critical times. They act like they going into there own pockets to give people there money and when you call them they have a very nasty attitude. Their pay and refunds should be held and then they will see how others feel.

    • I am in the same boat
      I filed on 2-25
      It is only $381.00 but still.
      My issue now is that my wife got her stimulus yesterday.
      When I get on the IRS website to verify the status of mine it shows it can recognize my ssn, but when I check my refund status it shows it is still processing.
      So dealing with the same thing.
      I was wondering if you had received your economic stimulus relief??

  35. What about the tax payers who didn’t file in 2018 but filed in 2019 that aren’t getting their refunds due to Covid 19 delays? We can’t even get the stimulus check because 2019 is still processing! How fair is that? We ALL should at least be getting the stimulus check after all they can see our returns on file or they wouldn’t know to put us under review audit etc. Come Irs & Government release our money! But yet y’all want our votes!

  36. Filed mine on February 9th and I’m still waiting as well. Been looking for in the mail every day for the past six or 8 weeks. When the life time I spoke to the IRS they told me 5 weeks. Still waiting and I need it now. Especially with this Coronavirus going on.

  37. I am in the same boat as the rest of you are. Filed March 4th. IRS still saying processing but I was able to pull up transcript and it said received April 15th. Which means it may take longer then is should have.

  38. I was sent a letter to verify my identity. Tax return says still being processed. IRS closed its doors so now I cannot verify my identity. No tax refund for me, no stimulus check either because IRS says I haven’t technically filed until my refund is fully processed. Can’t file twice. Tax return stuck. So no, every American did not receive their DUE help during this very trying time.

    • I am in the exact same boat. My taxes were being processed when all this began. I will not receive the stimulus check because my 2019 have not been fully processed. So the help that was offered to Americans sure isn’t helping every american that is for sure.

    • I’m in the same boat as you. Filed electronically on Jan 30th, but because of that, I got a letter asking for my 1095R form, which I sent the same day as I received the letter. Now because it’s “not processed” because of this form, I can’t get my refund or stimulus check. Sucks all the way around!

  39. I was wondering if anyone knows or has had the same issue.
    I filed my 2019 return with direct deposit info on February 4th it’s still being processed though o.o still haven’t received my stimulus check even though I am eligible so my question is does IRS have my direct deposit info even though my refund is still in process

  40. I have filed in February and they sent a letter stating I send in information for my children that I have been filing since they were born. I provided all documentation that was needed beginning of March. I still have not heard or received anything. Everytime I call it said office is closed. No body answering phone at all . Called number on letter sent as well like told and still stating they are close. I would like to know what is going on with my federal refund because at this point I am in need of it bad. IRS please let me know something .

  41. I filed January 24 in the hopes of being able to get my refund back as quickly as possible to help me pay my bills. When I hadn’t gotten my refund I called in the middle of March and they told me that if I didn’t get it by April 15th to call back. Now come to find out that they are closed til further notice is crazy. So now I’m (like so many others) going to be wondering if and when I’ll be getting my money. I want to know what’s going on with my refund and when I should see it in my account.

  42. E-filed beginning of March. Sent an amendment the next day. “570 Additional account action pending” on my account transcript as of end of March. You can check if yours says that too here: https://www.irs.gov/payments/view-your-tax-account

    As of last night the IRS refund status checker won’t even recognize my details. On the app it says “Refund Status Error: Information does not match. Please reenter your information.” On the site it says “You may not have entered your information correctly. Please verify your personal tax data and try again.” I then verify my filing date and method but they still cannot provide any info about my refund, instead asking me to reverify my info.

    Is everyone having these issues? Looks like their system is broken.

  43. I filed my returns March 1 and just as everyone else in this post, it still says processing. I am an essential worker with a dependent wife and 2year old and I am working in the public daily during this pandemic as I am an essential worker. As I gear up for each day, I can’t help but to find it very cowardly of the IRS to not at minimum be available for a phone call too see what is going on with all of our returns. Not to mention that I had a change of address and bank account from 2018 to 2019. The only way to update your info with the IRS is to file your new info on the 2019 return. We’ll come to find out that the IRS did not take my 2019 info into consideration but instead they sent the stimulus check to the old closed account on my 2018 returns. My bank has told me that the payment will bounce back to the IRS and they will send a paper check. But when? So I now sit here not knowing where or when I will get my refund or stimulus package, yet I will continue to have provide the essential services that I am employed to do as I wait for this much needed money. The American people are relying on the IRS and the additional income at this time, but they are greatly failing us as we can’t even talk to anyone in the IRS.

  44. I thought I was the only one with this problem. I filled March 4th and it’s still saying being processed. The people need they refunds and stimulus I have rent and my car note due. This isn’t fair at all. I’m borrowing money to by food at this time. For me and my son. I pray for everyone that we get our refunds back Soon as possible.

    • I filed Feb 22 and still have not received. I thought maybe it was in review but no its “Still processing” with no refund date!!! but they got all the stimulus payments out on time which i am very thankful for but i want my damn refund too!!!

  45. Filed March 16. Where’s my refund showed bars at top for 3 weeks then status bar went away and now says refund still being processed and a refund date will be provided when available. WTH??? Stimulus payment deposited today but still no refund.

  46. Will my stimulus check be interfered if my husband owes back child support? Meaning will I still get me and my kids portion? And if I filed an injured spouse form will my stimulus check be delayed like my refund has been? And if so will it be direct deposited like my taxes or will I receive a check after my injured spouse form is approved? Thank you

    • If your husband owes back child support, they will take his portion of the stimulus to pay on his child support. If you filed and injured spouse form with your last tax return you won’t have to do anything. It will be direct deposited into the account that the IRS has on file.

  47. Has the identity theft department closed due to covid 19? They have received my information on feb 3,2020 and it has been 10 weeks and still nothing. People have gotten their federal and stimulus and I haven’t received a coin. Please let us know something about our money. Do I need to update my payment information even if I have filed For 2020 but still have not received?

    • i got my stimulus on the card i signed up for direct deposit in 2018 but still haven’t received my federal tax return even though i have not used that card in over a year almost 2 years it came on that card and the only way i knew was i got a email saying it went on that card so e on the lookout for that

    • Same here got accepted 2/3 of course have children so had to wait for the path act or whatever . Then my bars disappeared called irs probaly like towards end of feb. said I was selected for a 60 day review and no action needed but wouldn’t begin until I received the letter on 3/16 . So who knows when I will actually get my refund

  48. While everyone is so anxious about when they will receive their Stimulus check there’s people that still haven’t received their tax refund so yes COVID 19 has caused delayed the processing of tax returns. I filed mine electronically on February 1 and it is April 14. At a time people need their money the most the Government sure is keeping us from receiving it

    • I agree. And some, like me, paid $460 to a tax company and the only answer I can get is “we don’t know”. And I know they don’t. It’s just frustrating.

  49. I E-filed & received confirmation they were accepted March 10th. I received my state refund on time. But no Federal refund which is about 3x as large & much more important to me. I keep checking the refund tracker and it keeps saying “processing” but gives no date. I never received any letters either. I wish they would get their act together as I have credit card payments due in a couple weeks & I’m counting on the return. Of course with Covid-19 I can’t reach anyone!

    • I filed mine on March 11 and it was accepted. I just received my stimulus payment (I changed bank accounts between 18 and 19). I find it odd that they were able to make the stimulus payment (which is a fraction of my refund amount) to the correct bank account that is listed on my 2019 return, but it says that my return is still “being processed.”


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